Sunday 30 September 2012

Living Well Is The Best Revenge : That's The Point

It's funny how my perception of success has changed after 2 years of fruitless searching for gainful employment. Living in a metropolis like Toronto, jobless, and savings tapped-out, I was "lucky"  to land a part-time job with a television series. Working three days a week, my salary is barely half of what I made before being laid off. But somehow, I feel I haven't been happier. I'm working in an industry I love, and the part-time status allows me more time to work on my homework; yep, I'm taking courses and working on completing a writing certificate.
Living well is most definitely a state of mind. Some need a whole lot of money and material goods to fill up their empty lives. I learned that I can thrive on very little without compromising who I am or giving up things I really enjoy.
Oh, and who is my revenge directed at? They're really not important - that's the point I'm making.

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